The purpose of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD is to provide informed advice and guidance, as well as to facilitate public input, to PNP-ITMS on programs and policies. In recognition of the impartial and objective expert advice that PNP-ITMS receives from the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD, as well as the challenges and inherent restrictions placed upon these same individuals in assessing and recommending various options in a conscientious and ethical manner, the following Code of Conduct is provided to ensure they are acting in a manner that is appropriate.
  1. Members shall, when conducting PNP-ITMS-AGPTD business, preparing written correspondence, interacting with media, members of PNP-ITMS-AGPTD, PNP-ITMS staff, or members of the public, act in a manner that accomplishes the following:

    1. Fulfills the mandate of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD;

    2. Respects due process and the authority of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Presiding Officer;

    3. Demonstrates respect for all fellow PNP-ITMS-AGPTD members, PNP-ITMS staff, and the public regardless of cultural or linguistic diversity and life circumstances;

    4. Respects and gives fair consideration to diverse and opposing viewpoints;

    5. Demonstrates due diligence in preparing for meetings, special occasions, or other PNP-ITMS-AGPTD, PNP-ITMS, and PNP-related events;

    6. Demonstrates professionalism, transparency, accountability, and timeliness in completing tasks or projects undertaken by the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD;

    7. Works in conjunction with the community; and

    8. Contributes in a meaningful manner, offering constructive comments to fellow PNP-ITMS-AGPTD members.

  2. Members shall not engage in political campaigning of any sort on behalf of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD or as a member of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD.

  3. A member of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD shall not:

    1. Engage in any business or transaction or have a financial or personal interest that is incompatible with the discharge of his or her official duties;

    2. Place himself or herself in a position where he or she is under obligation to any person who might benefit from special consideration or favor on their part or who might seek preferential treatment in any way;

    3. Accord, in the performance of his or her official duties, preferential treatment to relatives or to organizations in which he or she or his or her relatives have an interest, financial or otherwise;

    4. Place himself or herself in a position where he or she could derive any direct or indirect benefit or interest from any matter about which he or she can influence decisions;

    5. Benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of his or her official duties which is not generally available to the public; and

    6. Accept gifts, hospitality, or entertainment that could reasonably be construed as being given in anticipation or recognition of special consideration or preferential treatment by the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD member for a person or organization with respect to advice, guidance, or recommendations given to PNP-ITMS.

  4. A member shall immediately disclose to the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD through its Chair, or persons designated, that he or she could be involved in either a real or perceived conflict of interest; and shall abide by any decision made by the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD, with respect to such conflict of interest without recourse.

  5. Where an PNP-ITMS-AGPTD member believes or has been advised that he or she has or may have a conflict of interest in a particular matter, he or she shall:

    1. Prior to any consideration of the matter, disclose his or her interest and the general nature thereof;

    2. Leave the meeting for the duration of time that the matter is being considered;

    3. Not take part in the discussion of, or vote on any question or recommendation in respect of the matter; and

    4. Not attempt in any way whether before, during, or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such question or recommendation.

  6. Should a member breach any of the clauses set out herein, the following actions may occur:

    1. The PNP-ITMS-AGPTD may censure the member or recommend his or her removal;

    2. A formal warning may be issued to the member from the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD; or

    3. Should subsequent breaches occur following the formal warning, the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD may suspend the member and recommend for his or her removal.

  7. Members shall comply with the terms and conditions of the PNP-ITMS-AGPTD standards on attendance and participation.